Saturday, February 7, 2015

Superbowl Sunday

If I only could say one word about Superbowl Sunday it would be "FOOD"!  I know the humans would probably say "GAME" but that was of no interest to me whatsoever.  Why do people put food down so LOW?!?!  I mean, if dogs are not supposed to have any, can't they put it on a top shelf or somewhere out of our view?!?!  Crazy, it was right at my eye and nose level!
Now, this is the part I can't figure out..see how far the cheese platter is from the end of the table in the picture above? Now, how on earth did it get this close to the edge in the picture below?  Do you think I was sabotaged? It could have been my mom.  She does sneaky things like that, and she will do any thing to get a good picture.
I got even.  I made sure they couldn't eat that whole section of cheese.  Oh my!  I shouldn't have admitted that in writing!  Those of you who thought I was an innocent sweet puppy have just realized you were misled.

Off to new horizons--wine...I wondered how it would taste.

I know I could have batted that glass over, but DARN!  The glass was empty so that would have been a total waste of my time.

The best part of the day was that I got to play with my best friend Belle.  She's calmed down a little bit since the last time I saw her, but there were still a few times when I had to get away from her.  She wants to play 24/7. 

I love her, but I still like people more!  They are more tolerant than other dogs.
Birds, on the other hand, have absolutely NO tolerance for dogs!  Not sure what this bird's problem was, but she sure did not want anything to do with me.
Well, gotta go take a walk in the rain! I need to convince mom to buy me some boots! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Santa Barbara Weekend

This weekend was mom's birthday and I got to go away with her and dad.  We had soooooo much fun!  I met a Dolphin and sat on the beach the first day.  Mom said the Dolphin was a metal sculpture and I am not sure what she meant by that. It wasn't important... there were too many other cute dogs to bark at that were way more fun than some sort of metal thing. Metal is not fun to chew on either, so I have no use for metal sculptures.

The second day we rode bikes.  Mom had me in a front pack, and then decided to put me in the bike basket.  I had much more fun in the basket, because everyone that went by said, "Look at that adorable dog!"  I love those comments. I am not sure what conceited means but mom says I am getting conceited.  It doesn't sound like something good.  People are always asking mom what kind of  dog I am.  I bet that this weekend 100 people asked her that.  She got kind of tired of answering so she decided that she is going to have a t-shirt made with my picture on it saying 
"She's a YorkshireTerrier Pomeranian" 

I tried rock climbing.  I wasn't very good at it.  Probably because mom wouldn't let go of my leash.  Sometimes she can be so overprotective! She was afraid I was going to run away and get scooped up by a seagull or something like that.
We came back and I got to go on the porch swing where we were staying.  I never saw one of those before.  It made me a little dizzy.
The last day was fun too.  We went to the art walk along the beach and I met some really cute dogs

The big black one was 135 pounds.  I weigh 6. He was very nice but I still was a little intimidated. I felt most comfortable with the Yorkshire Terrier because she was just my size.  You can tell we liked each other by the way we are kissing.

Mom found this dog bed that was made out of a wine barrel.  I really wanted it but she wouldn't buy it for me...she said something about it being too expensive.  I think I'm worth it, don't you?!?!
We ended up the weekend by going to my cousin's house and then to lunch with them. They live way up high and you can see everything from there. I just love my family!  Speaking of family, mom says I need to stop blogging or my readers are going to get bored.  I guess I have to wait until the Superbowl party in Pasadena to write more.  Until the game, love you all!


Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Years Eve and the week following

This has been a very busy two weeks and there is so much to share.  I can dictate this to mom while she is working on this quarter’s sales tax (one of her MOST unfavorite jobs!)  She still hasn’t taught me how to work on the computer, so I can’t do these blogs without her help.  It’s kind of a drag waiting until she has time, especially since I have all the time in the world to do this.

Every New Year’s mom goes to Pasadena and stays with her good friends.  This is the first year I have been around on New Years so I got to go.  The best part is, my BEST FRIEND is their dog Belle.  I have talked about her before.  She and I have so much fun together.  She is still only 6 months old so I get a little tired of her wanting to play ALL the time, but I have figured out a way to make her stop bugging me… I just growl at her.  That seems to take care of the problem most of the time.  The other solution is to jump up on the couch where she can’t get to me.  I can jump REALLY high, and she is tiny and not as athletic as I am.  I think I could be a high jumper when I grow up.  But I am still working on being a model and an actress since I am so cute. That may be more profitable in the long run.

This is Belle in case you forgot what she looks like:
She looks a little like me but her ears don't stand up like mine.  

This is Belle starting to irritate me:
You can tell by the look on my face that I was not too happy.  But I am pretty tolerant and we went back to playing a little later. 

Here is Belle asking forgiveness for being so pushy.  I accepted her apology.  Mom taught me that forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.  
Something REALLY exciting:  After one year of chemo, GRACIE is getting better and her next year of chemo she gets to be home more, go to the hospital less, and go to school!  We are all REALLY happy!  She was over this week and we played and played.  

I did learn, however, that she is not really crazy about my wet sloppy kisses.  Adults tolerate these from me, I am not sure why kids don't. Oh well, that won't stop me from giving more!

Grace decided she wanted to pose me without any help from mom:

Not quite the way mom would do it, but really good for a little girl who just turned 5!

Love to snuggle with Grace!

Gotta go, I am really looking forward to sharing MORE great news in my next blog! Something AMAZING happened this week!