The second day we rode bikes. Mom had me in a front pack, and then decided to put me in the bike basket. I had much more fun in the basket, because everyone that went by said, "Look at that adorable dog!" I love those comments. I am not sure what conceited means but mom says I am getting conceited. It doesn't sound like something good. People are always asking mom what kind of dog I am. I bet that this weekend 100 people asked her that. She got kind of tired of answering so she decided that she is going to have a t-shirt made with my picture on it saying
I tried rock climbing. I wasn't very good at it. Probably because mom wouldn't let go of my leash. Sometimes she can be so overprotective! She was afraid I was going to run away and get scooped up by a seagull or something like that.
We came back and I got to go on the porch swing where we were staying. I never saw one of those before. It made me a little dizzy.
The last day was fun too. We went to the art walk along the beach and I met some really cute dogs

The big black one was 135 pounds. I weigh 6. He was very nice but I still was a little intimidated. I felt most comfortable with the Yorkshire Terrier because she was just my size. You can tell we liked each other by the way we are kissing.
Mom found this dog bed that was made out of a wine barrel. I really wanted it but she wouldn't buy it for me...she said something about it being too expensive. I think I'm worth it, don't you?!?!
We ended up the weekend by going to my cousin's house and then to lunch with them. They live way up high and you can see everything from there. I just love my family! Speaking of family, mom says I need to stop blogging or my readers are going to get bored. I guess I have to wait until the Superbowl party in Pasadena to write more. Until the game, love you all!